Saturday, July 2, 2011
My little sister
Molly Elaine Doyle joined us at 1:12am on Saturday, July 2nd. I cant wait to meet her. I am at home with Lisa. We are going to get donuts from DD and then go straight to the hospital so I can meet Molly.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Im going to be a big brother! Real Soon!
Well, mom is in the hospital and she has started the inducing process. She went in for her ultrasound this morning, and just like me, she was admitted straight to delivery. She is healthy and the baby is healthy. I am actually at home hanging with Lisa until we get the news. Lets hope it doesnt take three days this time.
I am really excited to be a big brother. I dont know if I get a little brother or sister yet, but either way I know we will have lots of fun together. Here is my list of things to do with the little bugger once he/she is old enough:
- play basketball
- go for walks and search for cones, pinwheels, flags and taxi cabs
- go for hikes
- go kayaking
- go camping and sleep in a tent
- make smoothies
- have family hugs
- dance parties in the kitchen to my favorite songs - Forever and Just the Way You Are
- drive daddy's car
- ride bikes
We have a lot to do and I have a lot to teach him.
I will keep you posted on her arrival.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Adventures with Finn!
We trekked through the mud down to the river bank and daddy let me drop a few pebbles in the river. The sound of the river was mesmerizing. I just stared at the little rapids in awe. I can't wait to get in a kayak. After the river, we hiked up the road and I played in another stream. Finally, we stopped at a picnic table for some juice and goldfish and then headed for the swings. What a morning - I just loved being outside. I think mommy and daddy did too.
We had so much fun that I was s
o worn out and I fell asleep minutes after we got in the car to go home. I wonder what we'll do tomorrow? I think I heard something about the National Zoo in DC - woohoo. I will keep you posted.
FYI - my new favorite words are "bubbles" and "eggs". Eggs, cheese, and toast are my favorite breakfast. Now that I am 17 months old, I am a really big help around the house. I am great at helping to unload the dishwasher, make coffee, and even scramble the eggs. I am a whiz in
the kitchen. Daddy says that will go a long way with the ladies.
Back to my nap!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
St. Patty's Day
Hello Friends,
I am not doing really well with the blog. I guess I am just too darn busy being a kid. I am growing up so fast and doing so many new things that I don't have time to sit at a computer - I have the rest of my life to do that.
Last weekend, we went to Loon Mountain in New Hampshire. I had so much fun with my cousins. Margaret is nine and she is my new best friend. We had so much fun playing together. We went swimming, played in the condo, and watched movies in the truck on the way up. Mom and Dad got to go skiing and snowboarding. I heard mom is getting really good.
I am sad that
we missed the Doyle Corned Beef Bash again this year. I am making sure that Mom and Dad don't have to work next year so we can definitely go. I heard it was a lot of fun and the food was amazing. I can't wait. This year, Daddy is making some corned beef and we might go watch some irish dancers at J. Patricks. I probably wont be able to stay long because it gets so loud and crowded. I am not waiting in line to refill my juice cup. Thankfully (for everyone) its just a short walk down the street.
Okay, so I am 17 months now and I have a lot of teeth. My molars have been coming in for a while but they don't seem to hurt as much as the front teeth. I just drool a lot. I am still not much of a talker but I give Mommy and Daddy some shout outs and I can say "ball" really well. Other than that, I just point, giggle and grunt.
I have some new favorite toys. Mommy bought me a really cool basketball hoop and I love dunking over Daddy. I love being outside and get a little cranky when its raining and I have to stay inside. I think our house is shrinking... or maybe I am just getting bigger.
Lisa is still the best babysitter ever and she takes me on adventures to the museum, aquarium and even last week she took me to see the Easter Bunny. I didn't cry.
That is all for now. I need to help Mommy and Daddy clean up and organize our basement so I can have more room to play. Happy St. Patty's Day!!z

Saturday, January 30, 2010
I am back on the blog. I haven't been able to write much over the last few months because my dad was hogging the computer, trying to finish his research paper. I think he is done and that is good because I missed having him around on the weekends. He spent a lot of time at Koba Coffee shop.
It's now February and I have changed a lot since my 1 year birthday. I am now 15 months... almost a grown man. I love dancing, running, and even spinning in circles - but that makes mommy really nervous. She thinks I am going to fall and hit my head. I think she forgets that I have a HUGE head and its pretty hard.
Speaking of huge, do you all remember that huge snowstorm that hit the east coast a few weeks ago? It was awesome. I went out and played in it but I didn't really like the sledding part... maybe next year. I was really bummed that my cousin Tierney couldn't fly out to play with me.
I went back to Chicago for Christmas and it was great. I saw all my relatives. I had fun playing with peeps my own age. I was lucky enough to get some really cool toys from Santa. I love my Elmo. He is so funny.
Im back in Baltimore now and I am happy to be back hanging out with Lisa, my babysitter. We have a lot of fun together. I also love going to my neighbors house. Tom and Melissa spoil me like crazy. I love their dog Stanley, but sometimes I think he gets jealous of me.
I am still working on the talking thing, but I am really good at showing you my belly button - just ask. Okay, I think we are all caught up. I will try to be better about keeping this updated.
Peace out, Bean Sprouts!
ps. I can really jam on the piano with Opa.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
My First Year - In Video
Happy New Year! I will write more later and tell you about my Christmas trip to Chicago and all my cool new toys but in the meantime, here is a little video my mom made of my first year. Yes, it's a little late since I am almost 15 months old but better late than never!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
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